A Step-by-Step Guide On Mobile App Development Process

Saurabh Singh November 17, 2023
Mobile app development process

The mobile app industry has been greatly influenced by advancing technologies, enhancing smartphones with an array of features. It is worth noting that this industry has evolved significantly since the days of Flappy Bird and now plays a crucial role in meeting a wide range of needs. While users’ demands and businesses’ innovativeness have transformed the mobile application altogether, the mobile app development process remains the same with just a minor change, be it add-ons or removal of the features and functionalities.

As the popularity and capabilities of smartphones continue to ascend, there is a rising demand for user-centric, innovative, and robust mobile applications that include versatile features capable of addressing any need or task virtually.

Tap into the mobile app development market and start reaping its benefits

In this blog, we will be looking into the answer to the question ‘What is the process of developing a mobile app’ along with understanding the app dev process we follow at Appinventiv. We will also examine the main approaches of the mobile app development process and the key considerations to make before initiating your iOS and/or Android app development process. Let’s begin with understanding a few important stats on mobile app usage and the factors leading to the rise in mobile app development.

Mobile App Development Statistics You Need to Know

Global Mobile App Consumer Spending: 2022- 2027

The global app consumer spending on smartphones has seen staggering growth over the past few years and is expected to grow in the future. As per Statista, by 2027, consumers are expected to spend around $125 billion on purchasing mobile applications from the app stores. Millions of users are now spending on subscriptions, in-app purchases, and one-time app purchases which have now become a global trend.

Therefore, investing in mobile apps is extremely crucial for businesses to gain a massive global reach and boost their revenue generation. Furthermore, apps provide a platform for revenue stream diversity and allow businesses to secure a strong foothold in a global market that is rapidly evolving.

Top 4 Approaches to Mobile App Development

Top 4 Approaches to Mobile App Development

The process of app development follows 4 different approaches. Each of these approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages. Also, the choice of mobile app development frameworks or approaches depends on various factors such as project requirements, timeline, and team dynamics. Let’s have a look at those:

Native App Development

The native app development process specifically involves targeting any one of the mobile platforms like Android or iOS. The development team utilizes platform-specific programming tools and languages such as Java or Kotlin for Android and Objective C or Swift for iOS. This approach offers superior performance and guarantees a seamless user experience as the mobile applications are only optimized for the specific platform’s software and hardware.

Native apps have complete access to APIs and device features and integrate well with other advanced functionalities like sensors and GPS. The native app development process is well suited for complex application that demands rich user interfaces and has a high-performance requirement.

Hybrid App Development

Hybrid app development is a blend of native and web app solutions. This kind of mobile application development process utilizes web technologies like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. The hybrid mobile apps can run on different platforms by utilizing a single codebase.

Hybrid apps offer access to native device features with plugins and offer a quicker development lifecycle than a native app. However, hybrid apps are often subject to performance bottlenecks as it renders complex user interface. Nonetheless, hybrid applications provide a more cost-effective process of developing an app with a quicker deployment time.

Also Read- Native vs Hybrid Mobile App Development

Cross-Platform App Development

Cross-platform app development enables developers to write codes that can seamlessly run on multiple platforms with just a few minimal modifications. Technologies and frameworks like Xamarin, Flutter, and React Native are utilized for cross-platform app development.

These allow usability across Android, iOS, and web applications using a single code base. Cross-platform app development is ideal for projects with a tighter budget and timeline.

Progressive Web App Development

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web-based applications that provide a user experience similar to that of a native app within a web browser. Cross-platform compatibility is provided by PWAs using web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Quick updates, offline operational features, and responsive design for different screen sizes are just a few benefits that PWAs provide. They are a great option for projects that prioritize accessibility and reach, e-commerce websites, or content-based apps. They might not have as much access to device-specific capabilities as native apps do, though. Read to know how much progressive web app development costs.

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Mobile App Development Process Steps That We Follow Here At Appinventiv

Mobile App Development Process

At Appinventiv, we employ a number of essential steps in the mobile app creation process. In order to improve the app concept, we first consult with clients, after which the project is meticulously planned, user-friendly interfaces are designed, and interactive prototypes are made. Our experts create new code, carry out thorough testing, and then release the application. To ensure long-term success, we provide ongoing maintenance and assistance after launch. Let’s check out all the stages of the app development process flow in detail:

  1. Pre-Scoping

In the pre-scoping or discovery stage of mobile app development, the experts analyze the app concept. The app’s viability is evaluated, and then the essential requirements are defined. The process starts with idea generation and market research to understand the app’s goal and its possible market demands.

The development team identifies the technical challenges in their feasibility study along with analyzing the budget and schedule projections. This stage particularly culminates in a project roadmap leading to an informed decision-making process, thus setting a stage for a well-defined scope of work and an effective mobile application development process.

2. NDA

What follows the scoping stage is an NDA because we believe that protecting your app idea or intellectual property is of utmost importance. We sign and send non-disclosure agreements to our prospects, ensuring that their idea will not be used or shared by us as a suggestion to other businesses. This non-disclosure agreement is a legal document that ensures that your sensitive information and innovative app ideas remain confidential.

3. Scoping

Once the prospect becomes our client, we create a scope of work. The scope of work consists of a document that consists of the details of the app project – the idea, technology stack, and the time it would take to complete the development process. The scoping stage begins with the requirements gathering, where the development team will document all the features and functionalities that you want in your mobile app.

Next comes the prototyping and wireraming stage, which enables you to visualize the interface of the app. Other than that, technical feasibility studies include an assessment of the technical requirements of the project and sharing that your app’s vision well-aligns with the technological capabilities. The SoW also consists of the cost estimate of the mobile app dev process.

4. Agile Sprint

Agile Sprint

Once the Scope of Work gets a go-ahead from the client’s side, we move on to the development process. For the process of application development, we strictly follow agile methodology. Since the success of the agile methodology lies in the active involvement of all the parties who are involved in the mobile app maintenance, we include our designers, mobile app developers, QA team, and clients throughout the process and the linked iterations.

Agile development quote

We handle multiple steps for app development in every sprint –

4.1. Design

We follow Google Material Design and iOS Human Interface Guidelines to make your mobile app intuitive and to incite the intended emotions in the users.

4.2. Development

Next, we bring together a mix of technology stacks that are equipped to handle complex mobile application development life cycles that support scalability.

4.3. Testing

Mobile app testing plays an inherent part in the agile sprint. Every part of the app that is developed in a sprint is tested there itself.

5. MVP

What follows a sprint is an MVP. Following the agile development process, we create a minimum viable product that is ready to launch. An MVP is a simplified version of your mobile application that only consists of the essential features meant for limited audience usage.

It serves as a testing ground for generating user feedback and validating the concept. MVP is crucial because gathering feedback from early users helps refine the functionality of your mobile app, thus assisting in identifying the features and functionalities that need to be prioritized for future iterations.

We then float the MVP among a subset of prospective users and get their feedback.

MVP development quote

MVP is the one concept that we swear upon. It makes testing an app on the actual ground a lot easier in terms of effort and cost.

6. Agile Again

Upon collecting the user feedback, we make the necessary changes in the app using the same agile process as done at the time of MVP development. Our team continues with the app development workflow.

The collected user feedback is set as the base for implementing new features or improving the existing ones. This iterative agile cycle continues until the product meets the target user’s expectations and needs.

7. Testing

Stages of mobile application testing

Mobile app testing typically involves several stages to ensure the functionality, usability, and reliability of the application. The first stage is unit testing, where individual components of the app are tested to ensure they work correctly. This is followed by functional testing, which focuses on testing the app’s features and functionalities to ensure they meet the requirements.

Usability testing is then conducted to evaluate the user experience, ensuring the app is intuitive and easy to navigate. Performance testing is also crucial, as it assesses the app’s speed, responsiveness, and stability under different conditions.

Finally, the app undergoes security testing to identify and address any vulnerabilities that may compromise user data. Comprehensive test cases, plans, and scripts are developed and executed throughout these stages to ensure thorough testing. Overall, the stages of mobile app quality testing are essential to deliver a high-quality, reliable, and user-friendly application.

8. App Launch

Once your mobile app has undergone sufficient development and testing processes, we will prepare your app for an official launch. This process mainly involves launching your app to the app stores and making it available to the users. To ensure a successful and effective app launch, our experts also help you form marketing and promotion strategies. Read this blog to know more about the app store publishing guidelines.

9. Post-App Launch Maintenance

The last but continued part of our process is app maintenance. We stick around until we have ensured that the app has been accepted by the millions of users that it was intended to reach in the first place. Our post-launch activities include continuous support and maintenance for addressing any kind of user-reported issues, updating new features or technology, along with ensuring continued marketing efforts for expanding your user base.

Since user feedback always remains an invaluable part of your mobile app dev process, our experts always assist you in future updates to keep your mobile app competitive and user-friendly.

With a clear understanding of the entire application development process, let’s move on to understand the key things to consider when going for a mobile application development process.

Also Read: How much does it cost to develop an app like KFC?

Key Considerations to Make While Going for Mobile App Development

Key Considerations to Make While Going for Mobile App Development

Several crucial factors must be taken into account before beginning the process of developing a mobile app in order to guarantee a profitable and efficient result. These factors affect different stages of the development process and need to be properly considered.

Define Your Goals and Purpose

Start your app development process with a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of your app. Outline the exact problem it will solve or the worthwhile benefit it will provide for its users. Consider your target audience’s demographics and preferences as you thoroughly understand them.

Match the visual style and functions of your app to their distinct preferences. By designing your app with the user in mind, you can be confident that it will satisfy their needs and profoundly connect with them, boosting the chances of both its success and user satisfaction.

Choice of Platform

Consider your budget carefully and the needs of your target audience before determining whether to create for iOS, Android, or both platforms. Your choice should, however, consider the regional distribution and device preferences of your target audience, as iOS users are more likely to spend more money on app purchases, while Android users have a larger global market share. You can choose a platform with confidence if you balance these considerations.

Design & Development Approach

Create a sophisticated, user-friendly app design that guarantees a flawless User Experience (UX), an important element for user engagement. Your user interface (UI) should have a pleasing appearance and be simple to use. Think about your development needs in terms of your money, schedule, and performance standards.

Native development may be more expensive and time-consuming, but it gives the best performance and complete platform integration. Cross-platform development offers efficiency and cost-effectiveness but may significantly trade off performance for efficiency, whereas hybrid development creates a balance between platforms. Choose strategically based on the particular requirements of your project.

Choice of Technology Stack

The success of your app depends critically on your choice of the technological stack. It entails thoroughly evaluating the frameworks, programming languages, and development tools compatible with your project’s particular needs.

To create a solid basis for your app, take into account elements like scalability, platform compatibility, and the competence of your development team. You may make an informed choice by carefully investigating and weighing your available technology options.

Consider Strong Security Measures

A primary focus should be given to ensuring strong app security to protect user data and adhere to strict data protection laws. Implement safe storage procedures, authentication methods, and encryption protocols.

Update security vulnerabilities frequently, run penetration tests, and keep up with new cybersecurity threats. App security is a top priority since it safeguards user data and builds user confidence in your application.

Adherence to Regulatory Compliances

The process of developing mobile apps must adhere to all the applicable laws. Depending on your app’s nature and target audience, it’s essential to abide by data protection laws like GDPR, CCPA, or HIPAA, in addition to terms of service, trademarks, and copyrights.

To maintain legal integrity and safeguard your app from potential legal difficulties, conduct routine legal audits, contact legal assistance when necessary, and stay up to current on new legal requirements. You can gain users’ trust and protect the reputation of your app by doing this.

Determine Monetization Strategy

Creating a monetization plan is essential to the long-term viability of your software. When selecting between in-app purchases, adverts, subscriptions, or other income sources, consider your app’s features and user preferences.

Goals for profit should be balanced with those for user value. Implement sensible pricing policies, provide free trials, and keep adjusting your strategy in response to customer feedback and industry developments. In addition to generating income, a well-planned monetization strategy also improves customer retention and satisfaction.

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How Appinventiv Can Transform Your Mobile App Idea into a Functional Reality

The secret to successfully navigating the difficult app development landscape is to work with Appinventiv as your mobile app development partner. We know that the process could appear intimidating, but our skilled team excels at handling each work attentively, sequentially, and complying with crucial criteria.

We stress the value of following a methodical app development process flow while restraining ourselves from rushing or skipping important stages. With Appinventiv, you can rest assured that the digital expansion of your brand is in good hands. Throughout these years, we have worked with the top enterprises and global brands, including KFC, Dominos, Adidas, IKEA, and others, helping them in their digital transformation journey. You can read more about our successful partnerships in our portfolio section.

A well-designed mobile app can increase consumer trust and engagement while also increasing revenue. For a successful and seamless mobile app development journey, team up with Appinventiv. Connect with our app developers today!


Q. What are the key stages of the app development process?

A. Here is the step-by-step app development process in brief:

  • Conceptualization and idea
  • Market analysis
  • Design and planning
  • Wireframing and prototyping
  • Development
  • Tests and quality control
  • Release to the app store
  • Promotional & marketing
  • Updating and upkeep

Q. How do I choose the right mobile app development company for my project?

A. Consider these key steps to choose the right mobile app development partner:

  • Portfolio Analysis: Examine their prior work to judge their abilities and experience in your field.
  • Technical Expertise: Make sure they have technical knowledge of the necessary programming languages and technologies.
  • Communication: Assess their ability to respond and communicate.
  • Cost and Budget: Ask for thorough project estimates and contrast them with your spending plan.
  • Client References: Request client references, then contact them to learn more about their experiences.
  • Legal Considerations: Review agreements, contracts, and intellectual property rights when making legal decisions.
  • Maintenance and Updates: How they handle app updates and upgrades.

Q. What is the cost of developing a mobile app?

A. Building a mobile app can range between $25,000 to $150,000 or more, depending on several factors. Read this blog to know in detail about the mobile app development cost.

Q. How long does it take to build a mobile app?

A. The complexity of an app, including its features, functionality, and overall scope, greatly influences the amount of time it takes to build. Planning, developing, testing, and refining take more time for more complex apps. The development of simple apps can take a few weeks, whereas developing more complicated apps might take months or even a year. Read this blog to know in detail about the duration of developing a mobile app.

Saurabh Singh
CEO & Director
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