Our Suite of Metaverse Software Development Services

The potential of metaverse exists across endless use cases and Appinventiv is adept at meeting all of them with its services. Our pool of enterprise-focused metaverse development services typically includes:
Metaverse application development

As a metaverse development company, our team builds applications that are a part of your ecosystem and make up your metaverse. With a deep experience in technologies such as blockchain, AI, and AR/VR, our team develops metaverse applications that are not only user-friendly but features attributes such as automation, transparency, and privacy.

Metaverse NFT marketplace development

With more people interested in buying and trading NFTs, we help your business launch your own metaverse NFT marketplace. Be it avatars, digital lands, in-game assets, or any other element of the virtual world, we create a borderless trading world for your business where digital assets can freely operate across multiple projects.

Metaverse game development

Appinventiv, being a reputed metaverse development company, offers innovative metaverse game development services, like game development to help your business ride the next wave of gaming. With a team of professionals in blockchain and other leading technologies, we help you build an incredible gaming platform that is not only a visual treat but also a 100% hassle-free experience for your users.

Metaverse integration services

Our metaverse integration services allow us to make your metaverse feature-rich with improved functionalities and drive a more immersive 3D experience. Our team builds or implements all solutions in the form of data integration, API integration, tools integration, DApp integration, NFT marketplace integration, etc. that add value to your overall ecosystem.

Metaverse social media app development

With our range of metaverse social media development services such as social media dApps, ecosystem migration, and 3D platform development we help your organization launch an immersive next-gen metaverse. Our metaverse developers build a social media metaverse that offers better social connections through vivid virtual experiences, redefining the way users engage online.

Metaverse real estate development

We offer meticulously-crafted real estate metaverse development services that help you create your own virtual land and sell it with anyone in the metaverse space. Be it the creation of NFT for land or launch of exciting themes, we launch your real estate metaverse using new age technologies as per your business requirements.

digital solutions
blockchain projects
technical experts
years of experience

Why Hire Appinventiv as Your Metaverse Development Company?

With our years of experience in building immersive applications, we can serve as a strong metaverse software development service partner that can take your project off the ground and lead it towards success.
R&D labs
Our R&D labs work as incubators to research, create, and validate your metaverse ideas. This way, we ensure to create impactful metaverse applications for your business.
With about a decade of industry experience, we have successfully completed many metaverse app development projects in AR/VR, blockchain, and AI and can bring unique metaverse solutions to the table.
To support the 3D elements of metaverse app development, we use interoperable standards for media such as audio, video, images, text, and 3D scenes, sequences and vectors.
Whatever you are trying to achieve through your metaverse application development, we can fulfill it with speed and at scale with the expertise of our 800+ cross-functional team.

Top Features in Our Metaverse Development Projects

Our metaverse developers build bug-free software solutions with various enhanced features that fulfill your specific business needs.
  • 3D virtual space

    Users can explore, create, and make connections with collective virtual 3D spaces in real time.

  • Decentralization

    Users can get complete ownership of their metaverse assets and experiences without any central authority.

  • Digital currency

    Whether it is gaming assets or online shopping, using digital currency, users can quickly buy or sell anything.

  • Security

    Users can better protect their user identities with advanced safety features like privacy and ethical standards.

Tech Stack We Use for Metaverse Development

As a fast growing metaverse app development company, we keep a close eye on the advances in latest technologies to deliver metaverse applications that have a real impact on your business. Our metaverse development tools and tech stack include:
AR/VR Development
Unity, ARKit, ARCore, Unreal engine
3D Content
Blender, 3ds Max, Maya, Houdini,
Ready Player ME
Solidity, Ethereum, ERC-721, Solana,
OpenSea, Binance NFT

How We Use Blockchain to Support Your Metaverse Development

We, as a leading metaverse development company, develop blockchain-based products within a metaverse environment, enabling users to access all types of NFT virtual products, collectibles, and so on.
Blockchain app development
We use blockchain technology to provide enhanced interoperability and ownership, creating blockchain-based decentralized platforms and NFTs that allow users to create lucrative economic opportunities within the metaverse.
Crypto solutions
We build blockchain-based monetary solutions that enable secure trading and storage of different cryptocurrencies supported by secure node-monitoring dashboards to monitor the live status of every digital transaction.
Payment gateway integration
Our team seamlessly integrates your chosen payment gateway system into your metaverse to facilitate digital currency exchanges and to regulate multi-currency transactions with ease that can ultimately result in premium user experience.

Our Metaverse Software Development Process That Ensures End-to-End Efficiency

We approach the creation of metaverse experiences much like we have successfully built hundreds of
other successful products over the years - agile methodology that efficiently delivers products fit
for your business needs.
Requirement gathering

Our team of metaverse developers starts with gathering and understanding all the project requirements, resources, and information required to begin the project.

UI/UX design

Using state-of-the-art tools, our UI/UX designers create innovative designs that let your users engage in the next-level immersive experiences.


With wireframes, our metaverse developers can confirm your vision and get early feedback on the product while development is able to adapt with ease.


We start with metaverse metaverse app development using the latest tools and technologies that fit your business needs.


The developed product is tested for quality to ensure a 100% bug-free application with no compromises.


The application is deployed on your preferred platforms with all the essential features required to secure a strong foothold in the market.

Post-release support

The Our team provides you constant support and maintenance services even after the launch of your product as per the terms of the agreement.

Why Should Your Business Enter the Metaverse?Industry Insights

Metaverse is currently one of the trending technology platforms. According to Precedence Research, the global metaverse market size is projected to reach around $1,607.12 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 50.74% from 2022 to 2030.
The potential of metaverse is attributed to the growing interest of leading brands such as Facebook and Microsoft in metaverse blockchain development and AI development to provide enhanced experience to their customers.

executives see significant future business value in metaverse in the next one to five years


executives feel that the metaverse will have a positive impact on their organizations


executives feel that the metaverse will be transformational for their organizations

How to Get Started with Metaverse Development

  • 01Get in touch

    Reach out to us by filling the form

  • 02Requirement analysis

    Reach out to us by filling the form

  • 03Estimation

    Our team shares an estimation of the time and cost

  • 04Contract

    Our team creates a contract as per the agreed terms

  • 05Work begins

    The work on your metaverse project begins

Frequently Asked Questions

Metaverse development is a new revolution where everyone can interact and do all their real-life activities on the internet. They can even live their life in the virtual world. Many companies have already started adapting various metaverse development platforms to build more immersive games, conduct virtual meetups, buy NFTs, and more.

To know how the emerging technology can benefit your business, head on to this blog - Metaverse use cases and benefits for businesses.

The cost of a metaverse app development project can vary significantly from $10,000 to millions depending on various factors such as the complexity of features, the number of details, the use of advanced technologies, the location of your chosen metaverse application development company, and the level of realism you want to see in your metaverse. Let’s check them out in detail:

  • Features

    Hardware, infrastructure, digital avatars, security, and many other elements are crucial metaverse components or features that determine the overall cost of development. These make it possible for people to communicate with each other through digital assets.

  • Use of advanced technologies

    A metaverse world has to incorporate various cutting-edge technologies for an effective communication system. These technologies include virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain, IoT, bitcoin, and many more.

  • Security features

    Given the rise in cyber risks, the ecosystem for metaverse growth must uphold privacy, security, and cyber ethics. Having solid security features is crucial for secure transactions and data integrity which also determines the overall metaverse development cost.

  • An efficient team

    The following are necessary for a productive team to build the metaverse platforms: UI/UX developers, UNITY developers, independent database developers, full-stack programmers, one decentralized dApp producer, and one decentralized wallet developer.

Contact our experts to get a fair estimate of your metaverse application development project.

Although many metaverse development companies operate globally, partnering with the right tech partner is essential for successfully completing your metaverse development project. Here are some of the tips for hiring the right metaverse development company:

  • Experience

    A development team with hands-on experience in the industry can be the right choice for your metaverse project. Learn more about the team's experience in the metaverse and other adjacent domains, such as the creation of smart contracts, in addition to their metaverse experience.

  • Portfolio

    Ask for the company's portfolio to know the type of projects or brands they have worked for. A thorough check of your chosen metaverse tech partner's portfolio can help you to make the right decision.

  • Sound technical knowledge

    Since the metaverse allows for multimodal interactions with digital objects, virtual persons, and virtual settings, creating a metaverse area requires a variety of technological advancements, including blockchain, augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D reconstruction, and AI. Hire a company that is knowledgeable and experienced in these technologies.

Being one of the globally recognized metaverse development companies, we put a lot of effort into designing the ideal metaverse space for you, but we also make sure it meets your needs and expectations. Here's what we do to turn your dream metaverse app development project into reality:

  • We determine the project's scope based on your recommendations. We comprehend your viewpoint, pay attention to your goals, and devise strategies to achieve them.
  • Using the 3D creative tools of your choice, we create metaverse spaces. By doing this, you can be sure that the project will produce the desired results.
  • We actively keep in touch with you to keep you informed about the project's status rather than waiting for follow-ups from your end. This not only enables you to track the project with ease and know exactly where we are, but it also enables us to make modifications as necessary and stay on schedule.
  • Using the most cutting-edge technologies, we construct your metaverse space according to your specifications.

Metaverse is a revolution that will impact almost all the digital organizations in the times to come. As mentioned above, the global metaverse market is expected to reach $1,607.12 billion by 2030, which shows its massively growing popularity among businesses. While the technology is still in its nascent stage, it is the perfect time to invest and tap into the growing potential of metaverse.

To move your business into the metaverse, you can follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Strengthen the online presence of your business
  • Focus your products as per your target audience
  • Develop AR/VR apps
  • Focus on creating more immersive experiences for your customers
  • Get comfortable with blockchain and cryptocurrency

Our suite of metaverse development solutions and services include:

  • Metaverse app development
  • Metaverse social media app development
  • Metaverse integration services
  • Metaverse real estate development
  • Metaverse game development
  • Metaverse NFT marketplace development

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